I think—no, I’m positive—there are aliens holding my keyboard for ransom. These space creatures are invisible, love mini-doughnuts and dark chocolates, but are a real pain-in-the-butt.

I’m absolutely convinced these aliens are closely related to COVID-19 because my keyboard was held for ransom just as the coronavirus was getting a foothold on civilization.

Being in self-isolation, I figured I would have plenty of time to finish all my writing projects.  After all, there is no excuse not to finish something since there is so much more  free time for inspiration to hit.

Trust me, I have bribed the Muses with Banana/Blueberry/Orange muffins, Peanut Butter cookies, my famous Banana/Cherry/Cranberry/Apricot loaf and my secret stash of dark chocolate bars tucked away for emergencies. Believe me, this is a real emergency especially when even the doughnut places have temporarily closed.

Maybe my stories need more meat and potatoes–metaphorically speaking. So the Muses were bribed with Hearty Beef Stew, Mom’s Famous Pot-Roast, Sammee’s Pasta with Tomato Meat Sauce and the list rolled along.

All I can conclude is that during this period of self-isolation and social distancing, I have gained a few pounds while Hubby is looking fit and trim. I think I can still wiggle into my skinny jeans, button the waist and breathe—kind of. . .

However, inspiration temporarily eludes me in the writing world. I can only say I can get inspired when I do my bread-making. I love the feel of warm dough that needs to be kneaded.  Did you know if you over-knead, you can take the dough, shape it into a big round flat circle and bake it as a giant pita bread. No one will ever know it had started out as a loaf of bread. . .and I certainly won’t tell.

During these unusual times affecting all of us, please keep safe, stay healthy and keep looking on the positive side. As with all calamities, this too shall eventually pass.



2 thoughts on “ALIENS

  1. So good to hear from you, Eva–please keep well and be safe, my Friend. By the time this is all over, we’ll all have either gained some weight or be fit and wise! 🙂 I keep aiming for the latter. . . .


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